Types of Therapy

Difference between psychotherapy, psychiatry, counselling?

What is Professional Help like?

We aim to answer some of those questions.

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What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

Both counselling and psychotherapy provide professional help and support to people in times of change or crisis. Counselling may focus more on providing immediate support with pressing, contingent issues and may be more limited in time. Psychotherapy tends to explore deeper, more long-term issues that may have originated in the past.  Their underlying principles are the same. They both have their foundation in an empathic and confidential relationship provided in a safe and non-judgmental space.



Psychotherapy, psychology and psychiatry?

Psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists have all had professional training to help people with mental health issues but there are significant differences among the three disciplines.Psychiatry is a medical speciality. It is the study of mental disorders, their diagnosis and management. It often but not always involves the prescription of medication.

Psychology is the study of how the mind works, and how people act and interact. A clinical Psychologist will have a degree in psychology.

Psychotherapy supports people at times of emotional distress or crisis. There are different approaches in psychotherapy which include:

  • cognitive behavioural therapies

  • psychoanalytic therapies

  • psychodynamic therapies

  • systemic and family psychotherapy

  • arts and play therapies

  • humanistic and integrative psychotherapies

  • hypno-psychotherapy

  • experiential constructivist therapies

A psychotherapist may have undertaken intensive and specialised training in the area, or may come from a psychology or psychiatry background and have undertaken further training in psychotherapy.


What happens if I feel like it’s not helping?

If the method of therapy or the person isn’t helping you, then review and find what is going to truly help.

Here’s a great article from one of our favourite teachers Esther Perel on finding the right therapist for you.

Medical care is always available for acute needs. Here are resources in your area .

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of many psychotherapy approaches. At its core there is the basic tenet that the way we think influences our feelings and our behaviours. By identifying negative and distorted cognitions we can lift our mood and make significant changes in our lives.

Other versions include DBT and Macro CBT. Source 

What is CBT?

What is ‘Humanist’ therapy?

The humanistic approach is about free will, self-discovery and achieving your full potential as a human being, rather than concentrating on individual problems or symptoms. It looks at everything that makes you who you are and focuses on you as a unique individual and your relationship with the world around you.

