5 Minute SOS

Here are 15 x 5 minute quick solutions

  1. Glass of water

  2. Mindfulness: Name 3 things you can: See/Feel/Smell/Taste/Touch. Name 3 items in your environment.

  3. Five minute meditation

  4. Instant distraction? Can you phone a friend or put on music? If you’re feeling a lot worse than that some people try a shock like putting a hand in ice?

  5. Talk yourself down. ‘“this anxiety feels bad, but I can use strategies to manage it.” Resource

  6. Nap

  7. Get fresh air or change of scenery

  8. Call someone you trust

  9. Have you eaten?

  10. Journal?

  11. Change of clothes

  12. Shower

  13. Go for a walk or excercise

  14. Lie down in the dark

  15. Let out the emotion - punch a pillow? let yourself cry?

Panic attack?

A panic attack usually lasts 5 to 30 minutes. They can be very frightening, but they're not dangerous and should not harm you.



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5 Steps to Better Mental Wellbeing